247 Blitz

United Kingdom

About 247 Blitz

247 Blitz’s name implies that they play tracks that made the era of 80’s and 90’s music so popular and remarkable, and as a result, 247 Blitz has created a sweet spot in the hearts of their listeners, particularly those who enjoy the classic style of music.

More Information

Step back in time with 247 Blitz, where the nostalgic beats of the 80s and 90s come alive. The name itself hints at the non-stop musical blitz that defined an era of legendary tracks. With a passion for the classics, 247 Blitz has captured the hearts of music lovers who crave the iconic sound of yesteryears. Dive into a world where every song takes you on a journey through memories and melodies that will never fade. Join the legion of fans who celebrate the timeless allure of 80s and 90s music with 247 Blitz, your gateway to a golden age of music magic.



Language: English

Address: United Kingdom

247 Blitz