96 Trent FM

United Kingdom

About 96 Trent FM

96 Trent FM was an independent local radio station that broadcast throughout Nottinghamshire. On Monday, January 3, 2011, the station amalgamated with two other East Midlands stations, Leicester Sound and Ram FM, to establish Capital FM East Midlands (a member of Global’s Capital FM Network). 96 Trent FM station broadcasts music and programs both on-air and online. It began as a country music radio channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week online. 96 Trent FM also broadcasts a variety of musical programs on a consistent basis to individuals of all ages. Aside from these shows, its strength is the ability of listeners to participate and provide feedback online.

More Information

96 Trent FM was an independent local radio station that broadcast throughout Nottinghamshire. On Monday, January 3, 2011, the station amalgamated with two other East Midlands stations, Leicester Sound and Ram FM, to establish Capital FM East Midlands (a member of Global's Capital FM Network). 96 Trent FM station broadcasts music and programs both on-air and online. It began as a country music radio channel that broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week online. 96 Trent FM also broadcasts a variety of musical programs on a consistent basis to individuals of all ages. Aside from these shows, its strength is the ability of listeners to participate and provide feedback online.



Language: English

Address: United Kingdom

96 Trent FM