BBC Radio 4 Extra

United Kingdom

About BBC Radio 4 Extra

BBC Radio 4 Extra is the nation’s preferred internet and FM radio channel. They play soul, funk, jazz, electronic, blues, and world music. They produce sounds that no one else can. Eastside Radio, a community station that has been on the air since 1990, serves the larger UK area and beyond. BBC Radio 4 Extra offers the best of specialty music, community, and arts programming.

More Information

BBC Radio 4 Extra is the UK's go-to internet and FM radio station, catering to a diverse audience with a love for soul, funk, jazz, electronic, blues, and world music. With a unique sound production that sets them apart, they bring the best in specialty music and arts programming. Eastside Radio, a longstanding community station active since 1990, extends its reach throughout the UK and beyond, offering a mix of locally rooted shows and diverse content. Whether you're seeking fresh beats, cultural insights, or community voices, BBC Radio 4 Extra delivers a rich tapestry of sounds and stories that resonate with audiences far and wide.


Language: English


Contact Number: +4403 333 444 544

Address: United Kingdom