BBC World Service Radio

United Kingdom

About BBC World Service Radio

BBC World Service is an online radio station based in London, United Kingdom that provides news, education, and entertainment. With songs from prominent music performers in the United Kingdom and throughout the world, BBC World Service Radio is ready to transport you to a musical realm where you will return time and again. BBC World Service Radio’s playlists include genres such as pop, rap, rock, hip-hop, trance, electro house, country, and gentle. So tune in to BBC World Service Radio and be delighted all day, every day.

More Information

BBC World Service is an internet radio station from London, United Kingdom, that provides a diverse mix of News, Education, and Entertainment. Featuring songs from popular music artists from the UK and worldwide, BBC World Service Radio offers a musical journey that will keep you coming back for more. The playlists include genres such as pop, rap, rock, hip-hop, trance, electro house, country, and soft music, ensuring a wide variety of tunes to keep you entertained round the clock. Tune in to BBC World Service Radio for non-stop entertainment and a vibrant musical experience.



Language: English

Contact Number: +44 1795 475800

Address: Zone C, 7th Floor, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London, W1A 1AA