Chellam FM

United Kingdom

About Chellam FM

Chellam FM is a community-based radio station. This station broadcasts for the Tamil community. There are a large number of Tamil individuals residing in the United Kingdom who occasionally feel the urge to listen to some of their favorite Tamil music, and Chellam FM enjoys providing them with such music.

More Information

Chellam FM is a community-based radio station catering to the Tamil community in the UK. With a large number of Tamil people residing in the UK, Chellam FM recognizes the importance of providing them with a platform to enjoy their favorite Tamil music. Dedicated to spreading the joy of Tamil music, Chellam FM broadcasts a variety of music that resonates with the Tamil audience, creating a sense of cultural connection and belonging. Tune into Chellam FM to experience the richness of Tamil music and stay connected with the vibrant Tamil community in the UK.


Language: English


Contact Number: +44 1795 475800

Address: United Kingdom

Chellam FM