Heart 1062 London

United Kingdom

About Heart 1062 London

Heart was first introduced in the West Midlands in 1994, and it made its London debut in 1995.The Heart 1062 London sound has become the most popular in commercial radio, with 33 stations around the UK reaching more than 7.4 million* people every week. Heart 1062 London features welcoming neighborhood voices as well as a diverse selection of music, including classical, modern, jazz, and country.

More Information

Heart 1062 London first made its mark in the West Midlands back in 1994 before expanding to London in 1995. Since then, it has solidified its position as one of the most beloved commercial radio stations in the UK. With a diverse range of music genres, including classical, contemporary, jazz, and country, Heart 1062 London caters to a wide audience. Boasting a lineup of friendly voices from the community, Heart has gained a loyal following of over 7.4 million listeners per week across its 33 stations nationwide. Tune in to Heart 1062 London for a mix of engaging content and popular music that will keep you entertained wherever you are in the UK.



Language: English

Contact Number: +020 7766 6000

Address: 30 Leicester Square, London, WC2H 7LA, United Kingdom