ILC Tamil Radio

United Kingdom

About ILC Tamil Radio

There are many outstanding singers in Tamil, and ILC Tamil Radio enjoys promoting their new songs. ILC Tamil Radio broadcasts live from the UK to the Tamil population there. Their fans like hearing music from their own culture, and ILC Tamil enjoys spreading its cultural music.

More Information

ILC Tamil Radio is dedicated to showcasing the amazing talents of Tamil singers by promoting their latest songs. Broadcasting live from the UK to the Tamil community, ILC Tamil Radio creates a connection between listeners and their cultural music. With a focus on sharing Tamil music and traditions, ILC Tamil Radio has gathered a loyal following that appreciates the rich cultural heritage reflected in the songs played on the station. Tune in to ILC Tamil Radio to stay connected with the vibrant Tamil music scene and immerse yourself in the sounds of Tamil culture.


Language: English


Contact Number: +44 1795 475800

Address: The Oast, Suite 4F, 62 Bell Road, Sittingbourne, KENT